Colonel Bluster, er Buster

Colonel Bluster, er Buster
Name rank and serial number is all they'll get from me!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

On Being Small

Do you get stepped on a lot? Are you frequently kicked and tripped over? Have you ever accidentally sent your human spinning down the stairs? Do you always get locked in the closet because no one noticed you go in there when they had the door open? Are there cats in your house that are bigger than you are? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then friend, I feel your pain. Frequently. And literally.

Hi. My name is Harry, and I'm 10 pounds soaking wet. I know that there are some disadvantages to our small stature. But let us look on the bright side. I may get stepped on a lot, but who is more likely to be spontaneously invited along in the car for a ride? You, or one of those big boys? Who is more likely to be billeted on the floor while you are tucked nicely under the covers with your humans? Yes, those Big Dawgs don't have it so great. They get in more trouble, too. After all, how much trouble can you get into when you can't reach anything worth reaching? If I jump on someone, they just tell me to get down, but if a Great Dane jumps on someone, 911 is called and he is locked up in the back yard for a week. IF he's lucky. And, they may not tell me to get down. That visitor comes in, talks about how cute I am and lets me get into their lap. A Golden Retreiver is not allowed on Mommy's lap. But I am, because I am small. If something gets knocked down from a high place, I don't get into trouble, because I couldn't have done it. I am innocent by default, and they know the cat did it!

Speaking of cats. I live with four cats. Yes, I'm not getting any bigger, and they aren't getting any smaller. But two of them are my friends and they are so much fun to play with. One is just fun to pick on. One is a real oddball with whom I have a peaceful acquaintence. But the most important thing is that while they may be bigger than me, I can outrun all of them! And a big dog couldn't play rough with the cats like I do. It's no holds barred! I can run faster and jump higher than any dog I know. I can clear a four foot fence like it isn't there. I can do that because I am small.

I am The Small. The Proud. The Australian Terrier.

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